lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015




Bluetooth technology

As a pre reading activity for this text which belongs to an English basic course to Electrical Engineering students, whose main aim is reading-comprehension, I would give them a WORDLE for them to guess the meaning of the main words of the text to read:

Find in the WORDLE one word which has the closest meaning to:
 modernization/novelty - Global - eternal/infinite - supporter - invulnerability - Happening at the same time- Distant - without connecting cables

1 Bluetooth wireless technology is a worldwide specification for a small-form factor, low-cost radio solution that provides links between mobile computers, mobile phones, other portable handheld devices, and connectivity to the Internet. The specification is developed, published and promoted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).
2 Bluetooth wire technology revolutionizes the personal connectivity market by providing freedom from wired connections – enabling links between mobile computers, mobile phones, portable handheld devices, and connectivity to the Internet. Bluetooth technology redefines the very way we experience connectivity.
3 While the possibilities are nearly endless for the use of the technology, some of the current capabilities include:
eliminating the need for wired connections between electronic products and accessories , exchanging files, business cards, calendar appointments, etc. with groups of Bluetooth users , transfering and synchronizing files between devices, connecting to localized content services in public areas , functioning as remote controls, keys, tickets and e-cash wallets
4 Establishing a standard means integrating well-tested technology with the power-efficiency and low-cost of a compliant radio system. Establishing a standard also means a group of industry leading promoter companies who drive the specification forward (Bluetooth SIG). Bluetooth technology works because it has been developed as a cross industry solution that marries a vision of engineering innovation with an understanding of business and consumer expectations.
5 Bluetooth wireless technology is unique in its breadth of applications. Links can be established between groups of products simultaneously or between individual products and the Internet. This flexibility, combined with strict interoperability requirements, has led to support for Bluetooth wireless technology from a wide range of market segments, including software developers, silicon vendors, peripheral and camera manufacturers, mobile PC manufacturers and handheld device developers, consumer electronics manufacturers, car manufacturers, and test and measurement equipment manufacturers.
6The Bluetooth wireless specification defines a low-power, low-cost technology that provides a standardized platform for eliminating cables between mobile devices and facilitating connections between products. Unlike many other wireless standards, the Bluetooth wireless specification includes both link layer and application layer definitions for product developers.
7 Radios that comply with the Bluetooth wireless specification operate in the unlicensed, 2.4 GHz radio spectrum ensuring communication compatibility worldwide. These radios use a spread spectrum, frequency hopping, full-duplex signal at up to 1600 hops/sec. The signal hops among 79 frequencies at 1 MHz intervals to give a high degree of interference immunity. While point-to-point connections are supported, the specification allows up to seven simultaneous connections to be established and maintained by a single radio.
8 Synchronizing the capabilities of the telecommunications, computing, and networking industries Bluetooth SIG members understand innovation and the business of innovation. The Bluetooth SIG provides a forum for companies to work together using short-range wireless technologies to solve customer problems. Companies can join either as Associate or Adopting . The Bluetooth SIG promoters include 3Com, Agere, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia and Toshiba, and hundreds of Associate and Adopter member companies.

 WHILE READING: A. Answer True/False
 1. All wireless standards include both link layer and application layer definitions for product developers.
 2. The Bluetooth technology provides a standardized platform for connection between mobile electronic devices without using cables.

 POST - READING B. Choose the most appropriate heading to summarize each of the 8 paragraphs of the text
 a) The forum of companies that make use of this technology b) Why this technology works c) Some of the technical details d) New type of personal connectivity e) Characteristics of the radio system f) Market areas where Bluetooth technology can be found g) Some of the current applications h) What is Bluetooth

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

How hard is it to stick to something new for 30 days?


 Matt Cutts: Try Something New For 30 Days (look for the TED TALK in

A few years ago, I felt like I was ______________. So I decided to follow in the ______________of the great
American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock and try something new for 30 days. Think about something you're
always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.
There's a few things I learned while doing these 30 day ______________. The first was instead of the months
flying by, forgotten the time was much more ______________. That was part of a challenge I did to take a
picture every day for a month. And I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day.
I also noticed that as I started to do more and harder 30 day challenges, my ______________ grew. I went
from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work for fun.
I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30 day challenges. I also ______________ that
if you really want something badly enough you can do anything for 30 days. Have you ever wanted to write a
novel? Every November, tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000 word novel from
______________ in 30 days. Now is my book next great American novel? No, I wrote it in a month. It's
There is nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges. ______________there are a ton of fun. But they're less
likely to stick. When I ______________sugar for 30 days, day 31 looked like this. So here's my question to
you. "What are you waiting for?"
I guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not. So why not think about
something you have always wanted to try and ______________ for the next 30 days.

❶ Is there something you've always wanted to do, but just ...
❷ Watch the TED talk by Matt Cutts “Try Something New for 30 Days” and answer these questions:
a. Why did Matt Cutts decide to try something new for 30 days?
b. What did Matt Cutts first decide to do for 30 days? How did he feel after that?
c. What did he do next?
d. Did Matt try to write a blog or a novel?
e. What did this experiment teach him?
❸ Watch the TED talk again and check what you have written in the  gaps:

A few years ago, I felt like I was ______________. So I decided to follow in the ______________of the great
American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock and try something new for 30 days. Think about something you're
always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.
There's a few things I learned while doing these 30 day ______________. The first was instead of the months
flying by, forgotten the time was much more ______________. That was part of a challenge I did to take a
picture every day for a month. And I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day.
I also noticed that as I started to do more and harder 30 day challenges, my ______________ grew. I went
from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work for fun.
I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30 day challenges. I also ______________ that
if you really want something badly enough you can do anything for 30 days. Have you ever wanted to write a
novel? Every November, tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000 word novel from
______________ in 30 days. Now is my book next great American novel? No, I wrote it in a month. It's
There is nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges. ______________there are a ton of fun. But they're less
likely to stick. When I ______________sugar for 30 days, day 31 looked like this. So here's my question to
you. "What are you waiting for?"
I guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not. So why not think about
something you have always wanted to try and ______________ for the next 30 days.

❹ Would you like to try such a 30-day challenge? What would you do?
What would you do if you felt that you’re stuck in a rut?
Is your every day memorable? If not, what can you do to change this?

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Trying to be fluent in English

happiness is only real when shared

happines is only real when shared
My happiness

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

My lifelong desire is coming true...

I love this interview to a teacher of English as a Second language as this is the dream I have been pursuing all my life : ..."I work as an English language private tutor. Working with people from their late teens up to late adulthood, I currently specialize is providing 1-on-1 tutoring in General English combined with learning skills development and personal growth. It´s my mission to show people who are sometimes trying to learn English for many years with no result, that the problem is not in them – it is in the unsuitable, way too analytical methods they may have been using. I help the learner to reflect on their true motivation for learning and also on the main blocks they have. Of course it´s usually speaking blocks. Once identified, we work towards finding out where they come from and overcoming them using effective, yet simple tools like holistic learning and relaxation techniques. My courses are led completely without course books. Instead, I use interesting and fun internet resources and mainly, I encourage people to go “out in the world” and socialize in English!
My vision in education is not to teach anyone English but to help them know how to learn by themselves in a fun way, why. I´m convinced that this is the only way we learn languages: through dialogue and social interaction but by ourselves. This is actually how we have been doing since day 1 in our lives."...
..." My tutorings start at around 9 – on the spot or via Skype. In the afternoon I feed back on the lessons, both for me and the learners, summarizing what we have been doing and where to go next. I am kind of a torch  who sheds light on the process of learning so that the learner would not get lost or lose motivation. I say it is vital to enjoy the journey but it is also good to know where we want to go. Next to preparing the courses, I spend a great deal of time searching for new learning resources online."......"E-learning has changed my work a great deal! I have found that learning a language does not need to mean only doing exercises in a course book (though I used to love them as well – I loved everything about English:-) It can include the more fun things like watching videos and singing songs. More importantly, thanks to the net, you can make sure that the English you are dealing with, is up to date. As a professional, I have benefited from the net in the sense that it has enabled me to reach my target audience – learners who are really willing to make a progress – and not just “attend a course”. Those are the ones I can help most, for you know what they say: “If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you’re determined to learn, no one can stop you.” I can teach people who live far away from me through Skype, I can share tools with them that are widely accessible, and I can create my own tools like teaching videos. Last but not least, it means to me a wealth of knowledge of modern teaching methods and also a place of networking with like-minded teachers."...
..."The challenge is that there is so much information available thatone could ask oneself one, will the traditional teaching at school desks lose all its sense? And two, will we know how to manage this overload of information? The school system will have to be transformed into helping children (and people) develop their true potential and present them with opportunities to learn rather than function as a transmitter of facts of knowledge. Information will be widely accessible but we will have to learn (or teach children) how to learn best by themselves."...
The words of this English language private tutor, Adéla Overmajerová, from prague, express my own wishes in a very near future (not to say tomorrow). That is why I have chosen her words as an opening post to my blog.
My dream continues, but that will be left for another post...

Me encanta esta entrevista a una profesora de Inglés , ya que es el sueño que he estado persiguiendo toda la vida. Ella dice: ... "Yo trabajo como profesora particular de Inglés. He trabajado con diferentes personas desde su adolescencia hasta la edad adulta, actualmente doy clases 1-a-1de Inglés . Está mi misión: demostrar a la gente que a veces habiendo tratado de aprender Inglés hacía muchos años sin resultado, el problema no era de ellos -. sino de los métodos inadecuados, demasiado analíticos que puedan haber estado usando que dinamitan su verdadera motivación para el aprendizaje y también de los principales bloqueos que tienen generalmente utilizando el idioma oralmente. Luego, trabajamos para averiguar de dónde vienen esos bloqueos y los superamos utilizando herramientas eficaces, pero simples, como las técnicas de aprendizaje y relajación holística. generalmente no uso libros de texto. En su lugar, yo uso interesantes y divertidos recursos de Internet y sobre todo, estimulo a la gente a ir "fuera del mundo" y socializar en Inglés!Mi visión de la educación no es solamente enseñar Inglés sino ayudar a  aprender a aprender por sí mismos de una manera divertida, porque estoy convencida  que ésta es la única forma de aprender idiomas a través del diálogo y la interacción social,  por nosotros mismos. Esto es en realidad lo que hemos estado haciendo desde el día 1 en nuestras vidas. "...... "Mis clases empiezan alrededor de 9 - por Skype.  Por la tarde vuelvo a  las lecciones,  para mí y para los estudiantes, para resumir lo que hemos estado haciendo y como cntinuar. Soy como una antorcha que arroja luz sobre el proceso de aprendizaje para que el alumno no pierda la motivación. Yo digo que es vital  disfrutar del viaje, pero también es bueno saber hacia dónde queremos ir. además de la preparación de los cursos , me paso mucho tiempo en busca de nuevos recursos de aprendizaje en línea. "... "El e-learning ha cambiado mi forma de trabajar. He encontrado que el aprendizaje de una lengua no tiene por qué significar hacer solamente ejercicios en un libro de texto. Se puede incluir las cosas más divertidas como ver vídeos y cantar canciones que , gracias a la red, se puede garantizar que el Inglés que  manejamos, está actualizado Como profesional, me he beneficiado  en el sentido de que me ha permitido llegar a mi público,  los alumnos que están realmente dispuestos a aprender - y no sólo "asistir a un curso".  Esos son los que yo puedo ayudar más, porque  lo que dicen.: "Si no estás dispuesto a aprender, nadie puede ayudarte. Si estás decidido a aprender, nadie puede detenerte." Puedo enseñar a las personas que viven lejos de mí a través de Skype, puedo compartir herramientas con ellos que son ampliamente accesibles, y puedo crear mis propias herramientas como subir vídeos. Por último, pero no menos importante, que significa para mí una gran adquisición de conocimiento la redcomo método  de enseñanza y también un lugar de trabajo virtual con los profesores con ideas afines. "...... "El desafío es que hay tanta información disponible que uno podría preguntarse ,1) la enseñanza tradicional en la clase presencial perderá todo su sentido? Y 2), Sabremosr cómo manejar esta sobrecarga de información? El sistema escolar debería pasar a ayudar a los niños (y personas) a desarrollar su verdadero potencial y presentarles oportunidades para aprender en lugar de funcionar como un transmisor de hechos de conocimiento. La información estará ampliamente accesible, pero vamos a tener que aprender (o enseñar a los niños) cómo para aprender mejor por sí mismos. "...Las palabras de esta tutora particular de Inglés, Adéla Overmajerová, de Praga, expresan mis propios deseos en un futuro muy cercano (por no decir mañana). Es por eso que he elegido sus palabras como EL post  de apertura a mi blog.Mi sueño continúa, pero eso quedará para otro post ...